45 years without tanning


  45 years without Tin Tan "title =" 45 years without Tin Tan "/> 

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BELLA HERENCIA Rosalía Julián pointed out that the legacy of the actor Germán Valdés Tin Tan was d & # 39; love and harmony

He always loved to take us on a trip, for pleasure or when he was working, he always laughed and made jokes .
Rosalía Julián,
wife of Tin Tan

Mexico City – Germán Valdés Tin Tan spent the last years of his life happy and peaceful, married to Rosalía Julián and without worrying about anything else. He was "El Rey de los Pachucos" (The King of Pachucos) and the comic lover who conquered theatrical scenes and cinema, in addition to being an excellent dancer.

Germán Genaro Cipriano Gómez Valdés Castillo, full name of Tin Tan, was buried after suffering a cardiac arrest in the clinic of the National Association of Actors (ANDA). Guadalupe Valdés, the only sister of Tin Tan, never left him in his last moments and revealed that he did not know that he had cancer, so he died without knowing that ## 147 ## He had been expelled.


Germán Valdés died on June 28, 1973, his funeral was attended by about 300 people, his widow Rosalia, six children, produced three marriages, 32 nephews and six grandchildren. After two weddings and four children, Tin Tan shared his final years as a man and artist with Rosalía Julián, from the band "Las Hermanas Julián", who has participated in several comedies with the actor.

In a 1972 interview, Valdes said that he was happy with Rosalia and the two children he had with her.

The romance was produced in 1953 by filming the parody "The Brand of the Skunk", inspired by "The Fox". In 1979, six years after the departure of Germán Valdés, Rosalía detailed her life with the comedian and how, from the first compliment, she fell in love.

"It all started when we went filming a contract to go to Follies Theater and he was visiting." How cool, Miss Julián! ", Was his first compliment and since then I have been taken by the man I have already admired."

SIMPLE AND CHARISMATIC [19659005] Rosalía assured that Germán was a husband and father of a loving family.

Tin Tan did not inherit any money from him. his wife, nor his children, despite the fact that the actor became as profitable in the movies as Pedro Infante. Legal problems, debts and loans did not allow him to accumulate wealth.

"The legacy that he left us was union and harmony, nothing money, he was a man who gave him a million pesos, 50 cents .In the time we lived together, everything we had, nothing was missing and it left us completely satisfied with me and my children, now that they are great, they understand the true character of my husband and of course his artistic quality, which served as Example, "he said. (SUN)

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