5.4 magnitude earthquake south of Veracruz


  5.4 magnitude earthquake in the south of Veracruz

A magnitude 5.4 earthquake hit the southern state of Veracruz this morning without any material damage or personal accident until now. 19659003] CITY OF MEXICO

U n magnitude of 5.4 earthquake struck this morning in the state of Veracruz in the south without any record of property damage or personal accidents until 39; now, the National Seismological Service (SSN)

Up to this year, 10 microsismos

The telluric movement occurred at 7:39 hours 64 kilometers southeast of Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz , in the region of Olmec of the state

The National Seismological Service broadcast on his Twitter account @SSNMexico:

Prerequisite: SISMO Magnitude 5.4 Loc 62 km SOUTHEAST OF SAYULA DE ALEMAN, SEE 22/07/18 07:39:41 Lat 17.40 Lon – 94.66 Pf 91 km. [19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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