5 colossal numbers on the world's largest online shopping event


An event to launch the Single Day 2017

Alibaba Group
An event to launch the Single Day in 2017. Sales have exceeded 25 000 million US dollars and are expected to increase this year.

Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday will be American inventions copied around the world, but their Chinese counterparts generate the most money.

The so – called bachelor 's day (celebrated every November 11th) is by far the largest single day shopping event in the world.

Last year, Chinese consumers spent more than 25 billion USD in 24 hours, beating his previous record.

The event began in the 1990s as an anti-Valentine's Day celebration, with the idea of ​​giving singles the opportunity to celebrate their own day.

Countdown to the event in 2017.

Alibaba Group
Alibaba has turned the Bachelor Day into a "shopping festival" featuring a live countdown and hundreds of thousands of items for sale.

The date was chosen because of his four "solitaires": 11/11.

But since the e-commerce firm Alibaba started using it, starting in 2009, to organize its own annual online sales day, has gradually become a day of shopping on a large scale.

We tell you here some huge numbers on this mega event.

1. Much bigger than Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday

On November 11, 2017, Chinese consumers spent $ 25.3 billion online, according to Alibaba.

Fashion show

Alibaba Group
Tmall's website already offers 500,000 items that can be ordered in advance and boosts sales with a fashion show "See Now, Buy Now"

And this figure only applies to Alibaba owned sites: Tmall and Taobao.

In comparison, US consumers spent $ 5,000 million on Black Friday and $ 6,600 million on Cyber ​​Monday, according to Adobe Analytics.

When considering online and in-store sales, Americans spent $ 19.6 billion in 2017 over the five-day period between Thanksgiving and Cyber ​​Monday. 23% less as the day of singles in China.

2. Your 10th edition will probably break records

Alibaba promised that "this year's mega event will be the most important in terms of scale and scope".

Its retail website, Tmall, already offers 500,000 items that can be ordered in advance. The prelude to Singles Day began with its "See Now, Buy Now" fashion show, broadcast live last month.

Tmall says he's going to offer 180,000 brands from China and the world to its consumers.

Chinese buyers

Alibaba Group
The e-commerce giant takes the initiative of Singles Day from consumers offline and abroad.

Alibaba also hopes that, at to fall on a Sunday, the bachelor party is even more popular.

The e-commerce company is also implementing its offline sales strategy through 200,000 smart stores featuring beauty products, automobiles and home accessories.

3. It is spread abroad

According to Jeff Rajeck, market researcher for Econsultancy in Asia and the Pacific, nearly 40% of the $ 25,000 million worth of goods sold to Chinese consumers in 2017 corresponded to products made by foreign brands.

And this year, Alibaba strategically targets Singles Day buyers outside of China.

Workers sorting parcels at express delivery company in Beijing

Getty Images
Alibaba is expected to handle about 1 billion package shipments in a few days.

Singapore-based Lazada will hold its own version of 11/11 in Six countries of South-East Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam.

There will also be discount stores in the Netherlands, the UK, Germany and Belgium.

4. It's a logistical challenge

Last year, the Singles Day generated 812 million orders and an impressive $ 7,000 million was sold in the first 30 minutes of sale, according to retail consultant eShopWorld.

This year, Alibaba is expected to coordinate the supply of approximately 1,000 million parcels in a few days.

Robot in the Cainiao network warehouse

Alibaba Group
Alibaba's logistics branch has opened a large warehouse that uses robots to reduce order processing times.

In anticipation of this challenge, Cainiao Network, a logistics company owned mainly by Alibaba, has opened the largest automated warehouse in China, in the eastern city of Wuxi.

Among other technologies, uses 700 robots capable of halving treatment time orders.

5. It has an impact on the environment

The escalation of purchases has led Greenpeace to recall previous editions of Singles Day "a disaster for the environment"

According to the NGO, orders for the 2016 event produced 52 400 tons of CO2, equivalent to the CO2 absorbed by 524,000 trees in its lifetime.

That year, singles day sales reached 18,000 million US dollars.

The Alibaba headquarters in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province

The e-commerce company has benefited from the 802 million Internet users in China, who have a growing purchasing power.

"Not only does this generate huge amounts of waste, but the CO2 emissions from manufacturing, packaging and transportation are enormous," warned Greenpeace.

"The fashion to buy something disposable in one click it is not a sustainable model for the future of retail ".

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