5 to 9 hurricanes will form in the Atlantic this year


Miami .- The hurricane season in the Atlantic will be even quieter than expected, with a total of 11 storms, of which 4 will be hurricanes and New forecast from the State University of Colorado (CSU) released today, this research center announced last April its annual forecast for this hurricane season, in which predicts 14 storms. , Of which 7 would be hurricanes and 3 of higher category, which was already an activity "a little below" of the historical average.

"With the decline in our forecasts, the chances that higher category hurricanes are affecting land along the coasts of the United States and the Caribbean have also declined," notes CSU in the statement. up to date. published today.


The center pointed out that the causes of this decrease are due to the fact that at present the tropical and subtropical Atlantic is "much colder than normal", in addition to the "Increase in" the probability of a weak development (El Niño phenomenon in the coming months. "

The update of the annual forecast of the hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin, which started on June 1 and will end on November 30, taking into account the subtropical storm Alberto, this was formed in May, that is to say before the official start of the hurricane season.


According to information released today, there is a 39% chance that a hurricane will affect some place on the US Atlantic Coast this year, that is, below the average of 52% between the seasons of 1981 and 2010 Similarly, the opportunities for a direct impact in the southeast of the country, which includes the Florida Peninsula, are reduced to 22%, less than the historical average of the Florida Peninsula. 31%, and 21% that a cyclone reaches the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, also below the average of 30%.

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These projections of a "below average" activity for the current Atlantic season made by CSU are even less than those aired by the US Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) , A little while before. June

The federal agency predicted at that time for this season in the Atlantic, which affects the United States, the Caribbean and Mexico for six months, an activity "close" or "superior to the average, with 5 and 9 hurricanes, of which between 1 and 4 may be of higher category.

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The agency's forecasts also indicate the formation of 10 to 16 tropical storms

In this note:

  • Hurricane Season
  • Hurricanes Atlantic Ocean
  • Hurricanes Mexico

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