5 unusual signs of depression


The inability to get out of bed. Bad self-esteem Clean disgust and constant loneliness. Most people can recognize the typical signs of depression. But these stereotypes do not show a broad picture.

According to the WHO, 50% of the 300 million people in the world live with depression without treatment. This happens for countless reasons, including misinformation.

Your hobbies are no longer amusing

Depression is usually associated with lack of pleasure in general, which can decrease sexual pleasure, socialization, and something. as simple as the enjoyment of our hobbies. This does not mean that losing interest in two weeks is a symptom of depression. But if you liked to cook, and now it does not make you happy … it is obvious that something is wrong. This happens because you have no motivation or interest in doing the things you love. It's depression, according to Psychiatry.org

You get angry easily

Have you recently become a short fuse? According to a 2013 study, anger / irritability is a symptom for more than half of people with severe long-term depression.

You get up too early

According to Medical News Today there are symptoms of vegetative symptoms of depression, including lack of energy or a change in sleep patterns. Depressed people who sleep a lot or wake up very early. Although this is also a sign of anxiety, the inability to lie down is a sign of depression.

You are great in social networks

Lately, are you great in Facebook and Instagram? According to experts, this great interest is a distraction to ignore their feelings. There is a slight elevation of adrenaline when people receive a similar message or message, and this serves as a medicine to suppress the true feelings that are hiding behind.

Your weight has changed

Lack of appetite. Some lose weight … others start to climb a lot because they start to eat their feelings. At the end of the day, all excess is bad, and it can mean symptoms of depression.

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