6 myths to know about the human papillomavirus


The Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases and several types of infections can affect the genital area (vulva, vagina, anus, penis), mouth and throat. However, it is very easy to prevent because there is a vaccine that can be applied to girls and boys from 9 years old.

With regard to diseases, there will always be myths and taboos related to the subject. This is why specialists in League against cancer solve the most common myths because of this virus.

1. Only women get HPV

False! Men can also suffer from the human papillomavirus because it is believed that most sexually active men and women will have this infection at some point in their lives.

2. Only women can be vaccinated against HPV

False! The vaccine is recommended for children from 9 years old. The doses should be applied as follows: girls and boys aged 9 to 14; apply 2 doses at 6 months interval, as well as women and men aged 15 years and over; apply 3 doses, the second dose after 2 months of application of the first and third doses after 4 months of the second dose.

3. There is only one type of HPV

False! There are more than 100 types, of which strains 16 and 18 are considered high risk, responsible for 70% of cases. case of cervical cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer deaths among Peruvian women. In addition, these strains can cause cancers of the vulva, anus and vagina, and even other strains such as 6 and 11 are responsible for 90% of genital warts.

4. The HPV vaccine promotes the onset of sexual activity

False! The vaccine protects only girls against the human papillomavirus. The initiation of the girl's sexual activity will depend on the information she receives from her parents, her school and the community.

5. HPV means that I have cancer

False! Having the human papilloma virus does not necessarily mean that you will develop cancer. Indeed, not all strains of the virus are carcinogenic.

6. HPV has symptoms

False! Most people with HPV do not have any symptoms. For example, those affected do not experience serious health problems; As we mentioned earlier, the only HPV manifestations (which are not always present) are genital warts and some types of cancer.

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