7 diabetics out of 10 have no adequate control: IMSS


OAXACA, Oax. July 30, 2018. – Doctors of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Oaxaca, have recommended diabetics to take care of their diet, especially in this season when the state is organizing its festivities as part of Guelaguetza and various food fairs are organized, however, it will be your family doctor, who, depending on the blood sugar level and the complications of each diabetic, will determine if you have any restrictions on food and what so.

a statement, the IMSS said that unfortunately, according to statistics, 7 out of 10 diabetics do not have proper control of their condition, so the fruits consumed can be dangerous because they increase Glucose levels in the blood, which could further damage your pancreas, hence the importance of performing periodic medical monitoring to assess if all types of fruits can be included in your daily diet or must eliminate

The head of delegation of medical benefits in Oaxaca, Víctor San Pedro Suárez, said that each diabetic must reduce overall consumption of carbohydrates and fruits constitute a type of simple carbohydrates. 19659002] He explained that the care in these foods is not so much the type of fruit, but the quantity. An individualized diet should always be established for each diabetic according to the recommendations made by his family doctor.

The human being, says the doctor of the IMSS, is the only mammal that, when it exceeds the consumption of sugars, keeps it in its state. body and turns them into fat that accumulates under the skin and around the waist, up to the formation of the pancita.

Continuing a diet of excess does not only promote the presence of obesity, but the development of diabetes mellitus.

It has been shown that the two diseases are closely related, so that 9 out of 10 people affected, are obese, even in recent years has been mentioned as a single disease diaobesidad.

The specialist said that excess fruit in diabetics endangers pancreatic function, in addition to increasing triglyceride levels and impairing liver function. [19659002] Because of the foregoing, he recommends that diabetics eat the fruit with the skin or in segments, in order to chew it properly, as well as to avoid juices, because it is thus easier and faster to chew. Absorb their sugars in addition to being it removes all the fiber, which is very healthy because it helps to improve digestion and to slide as much as possible, all of which the body will not. It does not need.

It suggests that if carbohydrates are eaten, it is better those of better nutritional quality (green leaf) and in the case of fruits, you have to avoid or reduce their consumption in the milder ones, like mango and banana, if your family doctor allows it and preferably only eat half a portion.

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