7 reasons to say yes to the HPV vaccine


Have you heard of human papillomavirus ( HPV )? It's a microcosmic capable of producing cancer or warts in … guess, the genitals! Seven out of 10 people have the infection, but there is good news: you have the HPV vaccine . Put it now!

Here we leave you 7 good reasons to be vaccinated against HPV :

1. Prevents cervical cancer: It is the second leading cause of death among women between 15 and 44 years of age. HPV, during a sexual relationship with an infected person, causes cell damage in the cervix and uterus that, in 10 to 15% of cases, turn into cancer .

2. It prevents the development of genital warts: They are also a sexually transmitted disease (doctors call it condyloma acuminata). These injuries are not serious, but they are super contagious and of a rather unpleasant appearance. They can only be removed with surgery or with the application of substances for six to nine long months.

3. It's free: This vaccine is free if it is applied to 11-year-old girls in the ISSSTE, IMSS and the Health Secretariat clinics. If you are over 12, your parents must pay for it in private offices. These are three doses and their price may vary.

4. It does not hurt: There are injections that hurt when the needle pierces the skin and also when the substance (drug or vaccine) passes through the skin. needle in your body. With the HPV vaccine, only the stake will hurt you, and when you realize it, everything will be over!

5. Requires special zero preparation: For some medical procedures, the instruction is to take the empty stomach, not to be in your rules or follow certain diets the day before. To be vaccinated against papilloma, you just have to feel good, that is to say to not have colds, coughs or anything else.

6. It produces minimal side reactions: And that's a saying. Although sometimes you feel some pain and heat at the application site, and even a little fever for a few hours (as in almost all vaccines), most girls feel no discomfort after this injection.

7. It gives you peace of mind: If the majority of people (7 out of 10, we said so) carry HPV, you have a high risk of infection, why not vaccinate better ?, Do not think about it!

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