8 Mexican wolf babies born at Los Coyotes Zoo


Photo: Special

Eight Mexican cubs were born on April 17 at Los Coyotes Zoo after a two-month gestation, the Ministry of Environment reported. (Sedema) of the Government of Mexico.

By the General Directorate of Zoos and Wildlife, it has been reported that it is the largest litter registered in zoos of the capital since it participates together in the states United States in the binational Program for the recovery of this carnivore

Photo: Special

It is also the third time that the zoo contributes to the births of this species.

The mother, named Pearl, arrived at Los Coyotes on December 20, 2016, from Guadalajara Zoo as part of the exchanges stipulated by the Binational Program, while the father, Yoltic, was the male born in the first litter who was introduced to the Los Coyotes Zoo, in 2011.

Photo: Special

Pearl was a refugee in the burrow a week before she gave birth, and since then Yoltic was responsible for protecting it at all times.

The information indicates that it is the second time that both copies reproduce.

After birth, the mother was seen sporadically in the afternoon, since she remained in the care of young people for most of the day. the father who carries the food.

He points out that the seven wolves of the previous litter who are already a year old, are also very much aware of their new brothers

. saw weeks after he was born when they started exploring their environment; The zoo staff could see that there were eight cubs: two males and six females

Photo: Special.

Contemplating the previous scope, the zoo housed a total of 17 individuals: 2 adults, 7 juveniles one year and 8 puppies.

Both parents kept an eye on the puppies and gave them the care they needed for their development; Similarly, the veterinary medical team is attentive to any eventuality that may occur.

The Mexican Wolf is the smallest wolf subspecies in North America and is in danger of extinction due to blind hunting. , the loss of its natural habitat and, mainly to its systematic extermination, under the argument of the existence of wild rabies and which causes serious damage to livestock.

Virtually extinct in the free life in our country, survived as a species thanks to the efforts of the Mexican and American zoos, integrated in a binational recovery program, through which they work together in research actions and conservation.

Currently, the shelter Mexican wolves at Los Coyotes Zoo e is closed to the public with the intention of continuing care and Rotección de los crías

At the time, environmental authorities will inform when the opening to the public is made and can be visited.

Los Coyotes Zoo opens Monday to Sunday from 6:00 am to 5:30 pm and admission is free


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