8 schools in Guerrero suspended for attempted kidnapping


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Acapulco.- Eight schools of the port, between high schools and faculties, Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro) has suspended its courses this Thursday for attempted kidnapping against five of its students, registered this week.

In addition, on Wednesday evening, a student was shot dead while returning home after attending classes at the 36th high school on campus. Zumpango municipality.

The rector of UAGro, Javier Saldaña Almazán, reported that strangers attempted to kidnap five students from Acapulco. He said the first attempt was against a medical school student, but that she had managed to escape because the plagiarism car had failed at the time of their escape.

Afterwards, they tried to kidnap another student from the race Medicine and then to one of Medical care. Another day, the alleged criminals attempted to take a student from the law school.

Saldaña Almazán explained that in recent days, in the university complex of Acapulco, there had been noticed the presence of suspicious men who traveled in vehicles. The rector announced that he had already requested police supervision from Guerrero and that he would meet Saturday with army commanders to return to monitor the campuses of the university.

He said that in recent months, BSE elements have taken charge of faculty safety and high schools in Acapulco, which inhibited crimes and attacks against university students.

The rector announced that he had already filed a complaint for the abduction attempts of the five students. And he announced that classes would be suspended on Friday, so that school directors and he would meet the authorities to demand safety.

The schools that suspend the courses are the faculties of Psychology, Accounting, Dentistry, Law and Tourism, as well as high schools 17, 27 and 2. Due to the suspension, said the rector, 12,000 students will be left without classes.

Wednesday evening, in the middle of a clash between criminal gangs at the municipal headquarters of Eduardo Neri, Zumpango, two young people are dead.

One of them, Alexander "N", 16, a pupil of 36th UAG High School, was shot in the head. The young Ana Karla "N", 23, was injured but died I've attracted attention.

According to the police report, the two young men were on board a public transport van.

Alexander was in the urvan that he would arrive in the neighborhood of Santa Anita, where he lived after leaving school. The crime was committed at 8 am Wednesday night in the San Rafael district.

Police demonstration. The state police, dismissed by the Public Security Secretariat (SSP) of Guerrero since May 2017, closed with the aid of chains and locks the two main accesses of the premises of the local Congress, to the request of the local deputies of Morena.

They want your support to put pressure on the state government, to comply with the federal labor award in which it is asked to restore and pay for one year and five months. The agents, according to their leader José Isabel Muñoz, were fired for demanding pay rises, benefits, uniforms and weapons.

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