82 dead in Afghanistan after the end of the truce with the Taliban


At least 19 people and 63 suspected Taliban fighters have been killed in the last hours, following the decision of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to end the one-sided truce with the ousted fundamentalist movement.

After the cessation of the ceasefire and the resumption of Taliban operations, an explosion hit the city of Jalalabad, east of Afghanistan, this afternoon, killing at least 19 people. people and wounding 20 others. [19659002] Local authorities reported that a suicide bomber blew up his explosives near the government compound in Jalalabad City, capital of Nangarhar Province, around 3:00 pm (10:30 pm)

Read more : Afghan Taliban Announce Ceasefire During Government Truce

"The explosion damaged shops and buildings around Mukhaberat Square," said Attaullah Khogyani, spokeswoman L & ## 39; attack occurred a few hours after the inauguration by the Afghan president of a hospital in Jalalabab, as part of a tour of work in the provincial capital.

Ghulam Sanayi Stanekzai, Nangarhar police chief, said the blast was caused by a suicide bomber who struck his car aboard a vehicle carrying Sikh minority members traveling to Jalalabab to meet with the president.

I Naamullah Miakhel, a spokeswoman for the Nangarhar Health Department, said that at least 10 of the 19 people who lost their lives in the new attack were Sikhs, and that the victims would have been far more numerous if the city ​​had not been stranded for Ghani's visit.

Immediately after the explosion, Afghan security forces cordoned off the site to allow the passage of ambulances that moved the victims to the hospital, said Nangarhar health official

Read more: Drone kills Taliban leader who ordered the murder of Malala

The TOLOnews television network has aired images of the site of the attack. those who are observed at least one car in flames, totally destroyed.

The attack occurred shortly after the Defense Ministry of Afghanistan assured that at least 63 insurgents died in the last 24 hours during the clean-up operations. forces. National Security Service (ANSF) against the Taliban nationwide after the end of the truce.

In a statement, the ministry said security forces carried out extensive operations in at least 12 provinces of the country and 13 air strikes against enemy hiding places.

"The operations were conducted in the provinces of Ghazni, Khost, Maidan Wardak, Pakita, Uruzgan, Badghis, Farah, Faryab, Takhar.The ministry indicated that during the operations, hiding places and caches weapons were destroyed and that at least 33 insurgents were wounded, added the ministry, without providing information on civilian casualties and security forces.

The attack and l & # 39; The offensive came one day after the Afghan president announced the unilateral ceasefire the previous day and ordered Afghan security forces to resume operations against the Taliban nationwide

. an explosion in the city of Jalalabad, Afghanistan (Reuters)

Police carry a victim of an explosion in the city of Jalalabad, Afghanistan (Reuters)

"The ceasefire is completed, our forces Security and defense can lead operations, "Ghani said Saturday afternoon at a press conference at the Presidential Palace in Kabul.

The Talib Movement Him, who proclaims Islamic religious extremism, came to power in Afghanistan in 1996, under the imposition of one of the strictest interpretations of sharia (Islamic law) who has become infamous internationally for the abuse of women.

During the Taliban regime, the Afghans were forced to wear the burqa, a tunic that covers them from head to toe and which only had an opening at eye level, it was their forbidden to work and receive an education after eight hours. years except for the study of the Qur'an.

The regime was overthrown after the US invasion in late 2001 after the Sept. 11 attacks on the Twin Towers, orchestrated by the late leader of al-Qaeda, Osama. Bin Laden, who at the time was home to Afghanistan, was protected by the Taliban

Read more: The IS attack against the Taliban in Afghanistan causes 20 deaths

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