Fallout 76 shows activities to do with other players


CITY OF MEXICO.- Despite the generation of opinions divided into being an experience that requires a permanent Internet connection and its angled design towards multiplayer, waiting Fallout 76 It is high and the development team has been able to raise doubts by offering information on a constant basis.

On this occasion, Bethesda presented one of the videos we saw the first advance in E3 2018, which explains the multiplayer experience in the hostile environment of West Virginia.

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When the new details of Fallout 76 were presented a few weeks ago, the information was so great that we hardly had time to equate what was most important.

However, Bethesda has not left this content in the past and today presented a new video focused on the game's multiplayer. As you remember, West Virginia is a big scene and the magnitude is the same in terms of enemy hostilities and dangers you will encounter on your way.

That's why the game is designed to offer an experience in which players can join and meet different goals. The video of Fallout 76 shows the different activities that we can perform in the company of other players, how to face powerful creatures, explore all areas of the map, fight other teams of players, set up camp and do recreational activities.

The famous saga The fallout of Bethesda will have a new edition, it's about Fallout 76, who saw the light of the first trailer. Bethesda Game Studios, creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4 will add one more match to their success, increasing the franchise of the game to success and will be put in this world.

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