Bozzo puts a "here" to Alfredo Adame


MEXICO CITY.- A few days ago, the actor Alfredo Adame and the pilot Laura Bozzo, confrontation in social networks, because the Peruvian has expressed disagreement with artists who want to get into politics, for which Adame lashed out against her in an interview.

Now, the controversial presenter said for the Firsthand program, that she did not know that Alfredo was applying for a position.

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"I've never referred to this man, and he did not know that he was a candidate, far from it, he had not a clue, I've never talked about this manand I will never talk about this man, "said Bozzo.

It should be noted that Laura is still against that celebrities want to have a position in politics and is firm.

What's happened?

The Mexican actor has asked to join his application to apply Article 33 to Laura Bozzo after having a violent discussion with her.

"If we join the actors we apply, the 33that the race of the country because it only brought shame, "said Adame, who is running for mayor of Tlalpan for the green ecologist Party of Mexico.

In addition, the Mexican has made it clear that he has done nothing wrong to cause disgust to a person.

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