They withdraw electoral propaganda from the main streets of the CDMX


CITY OF MEXICO.- Staff of the Urban Management Agency (AGU) began the withdrawal of election propaganda in the street furniture of the capital's primary roads after the conclusion of the campaigns election.

Respecting electoral laws aimed at ensuring fair, free, transparent and legal-based elections, Jaime Slominaski Aguilar's staff was observed removing placards, pillar blankets, phones and even trees. ] For his part, the Secretary of State, Guillermo Orozco Loreto, also instructed the 16 heads of delegation to withdraw the electoral material in the secondary roads.

He stated that on the instructions of the head of government, José Ramón Amieva, all the provisions and criteria established by the various regulations, institutions and electoral bodies should be fulfilled.

He recalled that Article 397 of the Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures of Mexico City establishes that electoral propaganda must be withdrawn by the local government and each of its demarcations and sent to the recycling centers, in accordance with the law. accrediting through the archives the delivery of said materials.

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