Apply the DNIII-E plan in the communities of Querétaro


QUERETARO (Notimex) .- Military personnel supported the civil authorities by implementing the DN-III-E Plan in the communities of Amazcala, La Tahua and el Bosque, municipality of El Marqués, where the overflow of Querétaro River, which resulted in the flooding of 200 houses.

The commander of the 17th Military Zone reported that 4 / o military personnel participated in the support work. Armored Reconnaissance Regiment, based in this place.

Military personnel evacuated families living in these houses, where the water reached a meter high, built in the vicinity of the Queretaro River, without recording the loss of life and where the assignments until 39; to now were lower level.

In the place was the current staff of the Civil Protection and Fire Department who, in coordination with the military personnel, provided assistance to the affected families.

In such situations. , members of the Mexican military and the jurisdiction of the 17th military zone, remains alert to any eventuality in the state, due to the current rainy season and tropical systems, being able to support the public in case of disasters in the phases of prevention, relief and recovery.

Meanwhile, the municipality of El Marqués reported that two Ilias were transferred to a shelter and delivered to the communities preventively.

During the morning, teams of workers from El Marqués were moved to clean the affected houses, as well as to assess the damage and grant the necessary supports

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