Judge Orders Pre-trial Detention of Two Officials Charged with 5-MP Deviation in Chihuahua


CITY OF MEXICO (proper) .- Judge Alexis Ornelas Perez ordered the preventive detention of the former Secretary General of Section 8 of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), Alejandro Villarreal Aldaz, and the former Administrative Advisor of Educational Services of the State of Chihuahua (SEECh), Martha Patricia Barreras Bandera

In addition, has given consent to the director of this federal agency, Diogenes Bustamante Vela, to cope with the process freely. The three are accused of the crime of embezzlement aggravated by the alleged deviation of 5 million pesos from the state treasury.

On July 2, at 9 o'clock, the hearing will be held to bind to the accused. [19659002] The public prosecutor asked Diógenes Bustamante, 80, to continue his trial freely. The judge agreed, but established a guarantee of 500 thousand pesos and go every 15 days to sign in front of the judicial authority.

Meanwhile, Villarreal Aldaz asked to continue his parole process because he suffers from claustrophobia,

The former union leader, candidate for a multi-member deputation of the New Alliance party (Honeycomb), said he was under medical treatment because he was suffering from liver problems and asked the judge to order another precautionary measure other than prison. The judge ordered preventive detention

According to statements made by a protected witness before the Attorney General's Office, the three accused participated in the 5 million pesos difference that were requested from the Ministry of Finance for be assigned to the section. The money, he says, was given to Alejandro Villarreal in agreement with former governor César Duarte Jáquez, who ordered the finance ministry to do so, because otherwise the leader of the teachers would lead a revolt during the Labor Day parade, in 2016.

Through the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (SECD), the Duarte government also made several deviations supposed to grant economic support to Villarreal Aldaz, and to this end the signatures of Diógenes Bustamante and Martha Patricia Banderas, former employees of SEECh

The witness, who accepted the criterion of opportunity, explained that the resources were given to SEECh to pay the salaries of teachers of the federal subsystem and to comply with the commitments that Duarte made with Villarreal Aldaz and with the SECD advisor, Marcelo González Tachiquín.

The difference of 5 million pesos was made between April 29 and May 2, 2016: one million 200 thousand pesos that were to be paid for bonds for the teacher's day and 3 million 800 a thousand for secondary school scholarships for children, according to the last minute signed in 2015.

These aids were not allowed by law, he added, but they were paid to keep Villarreal happy, who had power over mentors and could "undo" the education system through strikes.

The former Secretary of Education, Culture and Sport, Ricardo Yáñez Herrera (now arrested and sentenced) has also lobbied the Ministry of Finance for the purpose. he pays Villarreal Aldaz, who allegedly supported the political image of Duarte

He claimed that Rosa María Hernández Madero, current secretary of Section 8 and private secretary of Alejandro Villarreal, l & # 39; called to ask questions about the media concepts to develop and seal the receipts.

One of the witnesses said that the SNTE's request was 30 million pesos, but they received only 5 million pesos.

On the case, the governor of Chihuahua, Javier Corral, argued that the prosecutor had asked Diógenes Bustamante makes the process free because he is an older adult, but he is waiting also that he takes advantage of the criteria of opportunity to know who actually ordered him to sign these discrepancies, as has already been done in other cases of former employees

. We know how Caesar Duarte acted, the way he forced officials and workers, who jeopardized his work and his position they were not doing what he had ordered. We know that Diogenes Bustamante will not be supported by the action of justice. The public prosecutor was the one who lifted the precautionary measure alternately to pre-trial detention, "he said.

Corral said that there are several cases involving Villarreal, this is only the first "At the moment the Attorney General publishes the data. It was money meant for teachers and they never came to them. When we found the accounts, we saw the participation that he made receipts that did not reach the teachers. The research is solid. "

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