Chapo's wife wants to be Kim Kardashian


Emma Coronel wife of of Joaquín & # 39; El Chapo & # 39; Guzmán Loera, always attracted attention when she was presented in public. But recently, her long black hair, thick lips and impressive curves made her particularly striking, being compared with no less than Kim Kardashian . went on June 26 to the last hearing of "19459004" Chapo with tight blue jeans, high shoes and a long shirt with a Gucci belt. And even People magazine compared it to sociality, all thanks to this outfit.

"In addition to commenting on the luxurious belt, some users on social networks have noticed some resemblance of Emma with the TV star, Kim Kardashian ," the magazine published.

Emma Coronel aged 28, arrived at the court accompanied by her twins and the lawyer of the narco-trafficker. On leaving, the young woman was intercepted by the media.

Last February, the Colonel had attracted attention for his luxurious clothes. She married Guzmán Loera in 2007, when she was only 18 years old.

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