Asur wants to reassure investors


The announcement on the investment plan published by Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste (Asur) this week corresponds to the interest of the company to eliminate the uncertainty factor among its investors, according to analysts.

In a statement issued to the Mexican Valores Stock Exchange (BMV), the management company of nine air terminals, such as Cancún or Veracruz, announced that it had received authorization from the Ministry of Communications and of Transport (SCT) for its development program for each of the concessions period from 2019 to 2033.

In the document, it is envisaged an investment of 24.442,80 million pesos for the next 15 years, of which 44% will be invested in the next five years.

About 50%, or 5,888.20 million pesos, will be invested in the infrastructure of Cancún and 18%, or 1,987 million pesos, in the Merida terminal in Yucatán.

asked not to be quoted explained that "for Asur it was important to obtain this permission from the SCT in particular to eliminate a little the uncertainty factor."

He said that "before the change of government, investments in the airport could be delayed according to a change of authority."

For Marco Montañez, analyst at Vector Casa de Bolsa, the most important thing, in the statement, is that according to these planned investments, the SCT authorizes the maximum rates of use Asur specifies that the maximum rates allowed range from 166.24 pesos for l '. Cancun airport at 245.59 pesos for Cozumel airport.

"For the five-year period ending December 31 of 2023, the maximum rates applicable to Asur airports will be reduced according to an annual factor of efficiency of 0.70% in real terms, "the statement said.

Asur is a leading international airport operator with a portfolio of concessions to operate, maintain and develop nine airports in southeastern Mexico, six in northern Colombia and one more in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Their Stocks

During the quarter, the price of the issuer of BMV presents an appreciation of 2.14% to 312.97 pesos per unit

According to analysts Banco Ve por Más, it has a target price of 357.2 pesos per unit, which implies a potential increase of 14.13%.

For the second quarter of the year, Montañez is well observing Mexico 's concessions because it estimates that they will experience a relatively good increase in traffic with inflation rates.

In addition, it considers that, in international airports, revenue benefits are observed due to the depreciation of the exchange rate during the quarter.

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