PGR releases the two detainees with 20 million pesos in cash


The Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) released, with the reservations of the law, Alan Torres and Oscar Castañeda, employees of the company Global Private Security and Traslado de Valores SA de CV detained last Tuesday in the Mexico City with 20 million pesos in cash, but maintains the investigation opened on the origin of the destination of money.

They explained that the freedom of these people was based on Article 140 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and warned that the money (which according to the documents found with the Money, was destined for the PRI CEN), remains protected from the Ministry of the Federation until the conclusion of the investigation.

At noon last Tuesday, the police of Mexico City stopped at a security checkpoint while she was traveling in a luxury van on the Avenida de los Insurgent Norte ]

Inside the unit, three plastic bags were found, labeled with the caption Global Values, from where came the money, housed in shades of different denominations .

In the stock exchanges there were some leaves with the bank sign Santander and another with the data of the aforementioned company to transfer securities, as well as a good one for the transfer of securities.

The voucher, with folio 120291, indicates that the money transport company
he addressed in Nadadores street 28 and identifies the three bags with money with the numbers A4188678, A4188631 and A4188684, and it is noted that the transfer is 20 million pesos.

It also states that the sender is Katia Díaz and states that the delivery address of the package is Insurgent Norte, number 59, Colonia Buenavista, Cuauhtémoc delegation.

In a research carried out, it is noted that this address corresponds to the national headquarters of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), although in the packages there is no mention of it. aforementioned political institute.

The PRI party categorically rejected any irresponsible accusation that claims to involve the party in fact and called for an in-depth investigation to determine liability.

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