Pope accepts more resignations for abuse


Pope Francis yesterday accepted the resignation of two other bishops of Chile as part of short-term decisions that he himself announced to deal with the crisis of abuse of power, conscience and of sexuality in this country

. As reported by the Vatican press room, the pope has decided to leave Alejandro Goic Karmelic, Bishop of Rancagua, and Horacio Valenzuela Abarca, Bishop of Talca, as his departure posts. At the same time, he chooses not to appoint alternates for one or the other of the two dioceses.

To guide these ecclesiastical demarcations, he appointed the apostolic administrators of the vacant seats "until the Holy See decides" to the auxiliary bishops of Santiago, Luis Fernando Ramos. Pérez (for Rancagua) and Galo Fernández Villaseca (for Talca)

These two resignations are added to the three others accepted by the Pope on June 11, after all the bishops of Chile, on the block, presented them June 17th. Can last because of the crisis due to the abuse of power, conscience and sexuality of the last decades, in the Church of this country.

The Pope publicly acknowledged that in Chile there has been a "culture of abuse" and a "system". concealment ", product of an elitist culture, rooted clericalism and loss of spiritual sense in many Catholic institutions.


 Accepting more resignations for abuses

Two others: Pope Francis yesterday accepted the resignations of two other bishops of Chile

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