WhatsApp: Find out how to send a message to someone who has blocked you | App | Android | iPhone | trends


Fully verified. Few people know that WhatsApp has a simple but effective trick that allows you to continue sending a message to the person who has blocked you from the messaging app. In this post we tell you what you need to do.

It should be noted that this trick WhatsApp is available to users who use the email application, both on an Android device, as on an iPhone. In addition, you will not have to install any foreign application on your phone.

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] Tip The first thing you should do is to get a complicit . Once you have it, you must tell this person to add the phone number of the person who has blocked you to WhatsApp in your phone book.

Next, this accomplice must create a WhatsApp group and add two participants, one will be you and the other will be the person who has blocked you from there. instant messaging application

Then, the accomplice must leave the WhatsApp group and there will only be two participants, even if the other person has blocked you, your messages will continue to arrive.


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