A German created the first "smart" case with airbag to protect your phone – 29/06/2018


How many times did you spend money for to repair the screen of your phone for an innocent fall. A young German engineer from Aalen University, named Philip Frenzel, seems to have the solution: developed a "smart" sleeve concept able to protect your device from oblivion.

This type of airbag for mobile phones has four metal plates that deploy in an instant as soon as the cell phone detects an imminent fall.

  Google invests millions in a foreign operating system to position itself in [19699004] Being literally glued to the device, <strong> their sensors play a preponderant role </strong>. Proximity is responsible for preventing the opening of the airbag while we carry the phone in your pocket or in your wallet. While the accelerometer, punctually, is responsible for <strong> detecting the fall </strong>. </p>
<p>  When this happens, <strong> the smartphone sends a signal to the case </strong> and it reacts by displaying eight thin sheets of metal that curve outwards and bounce completely off the screen. ;together. </p>
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To return the phone to its normal state just stretch the sheets and put them back into the slots of the case, says the engineer from the university.

According to the Techcrunch website, Philip Frenzel received the first prize from the German Mechatronics Society and patented his creation . Now, it is expected that this innovative fund will receive private funding to be mass produced.

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