Today Tamaulipas – herniated disc is not the only cause of hip pain specialist


Although this type of pain is diverse, it is generally thought that its origin is in the wear of lumbar discs that change with time and move away, which is known as disc herniation

. hip pain is related to problems of muscles, tendons, joints or tissues, and even with irritation or degeneration of the purses

Author: Notimex

Mexico, (Notimex) .- pain of the hip are related to problems of muscles, tendons, joints or tissues, and even with the irritation or degeneration of the purses (bags with liquid that dampen the bones), and only in some cases have their origin in the disks lumbares

Although this type of pain is diverse, it is generally thought that its origin is in the wear of lumbar discs that change over time and away, which is known as a disc herniation .

] Ran Dy Shelerud, a specialist at the Mayo Clinic Spine Center in Rochester, Minnesota, explained that the appearance of lumbar discs changes over time in almost all adults.

In MRI, a worn disc looks darker, so decisive if they are related to hip pain can be complicated.

The fact that pain-free adults in the hip or back show the same changes suggests that, for the most part, these changes discs are not related to discomfort in the pelvic area, he said.

The process for determining whether discs are the cause of hip pain begins with direct assessment by a health professional and an examination. Detailed back, because in the lumbar back, buttocks and the hip area, there are several other structures that can cause discomfort in the hip, but without having any relationship with the age . [19] 659006] A methodical health care provider will usually be able to identify these problems through a thorough examination and possibly other tests, such as x-rays, electromyography, and the like. 39, joint injection or diagnostic nerve block, he added.

The way to control chronic back pain, whether it comes from a painful disc or from another source, is to prepare the muscles that support the lumbar back so that it can be better. they are as conditioned, functional and strong as possible

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