Does Robbie Williams have Asperger Syndrome?


June 29, 2018

The singer of the "Angels" confessed that he had a disorder that prevented him from interacting with other people.

PHOTO: Twitter @robbiewilliams

Robbie Williams confessed that he could suffer from Asperger's Syndrome, a disorder that prevents the development of social skills; the singer, said in an interview for Radio 2, that he is going through a difficult time.

"I can have Asperger's or autism, I do not know what spectrum I am in, but I know of it," he said, adding that he has "a compulsion, an addiction, an interesting mental illness".

It should be noted that the singer suffered from depression and anxiety, besides he had problems with alcohol and drugs.

According to Muy Interesante, Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a disorder characterized by limited patient interests or an unusual and obsessive interest in a particular object or subject, excluding others. activities and topics of conversation.

They also exhibit socially and emotionally inappropriate behavior and are unable to interact with others.

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