Windows 10 does not add games in Redstone 5


Sets, the tool to open other programs and websites in tabs of other applications, could disappear in the update that Windows 10 will do for Redstone 5.

The news that the company is implementing, they arrive every six months, in comparison with the patches that are released on a monthly basis; in this news and in the past Windows 10 April 2018 Update it was announced what will happen with this application.

In order for devices to be up-to-date with new products and services, Microsoft explained that there are two situations in terms of Sets, the first being that they can be used without depending on any other device. an internet connection, in addition to releasing an interface.

While the other, it is that it will not come with the update of the Redstone operating system 5, which was announced with great fanfare, because it would bring new features such as Cloud Clipboard

Dona Sarkar, head of the Microsoft Insider program, took advantage of the launch of this new version of RS5 to thank users of multiple reports , opinions and comments they offered on the new features of Windows 10 and, but also commented The function will disappear from Windows 10 Redstone 5 to be able to make improvements, both in functions as in design.

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Apparently Microsoft has not had time to run it and it's not there It wanted to give False hopes to its users, this way he said that although Sets does not arrive in the current version, it could be seen in a future WIP development.

It is still possible that when the company begins to develop Redstone 6, the next update, make known all the advances that have been made regarding such a tool.

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