The OAS rejects the separation of migrant families in the United States


Washington . The OAS today approved a decafed resolution rejecting the separation of immigrant families at the border by Donald Trump and calls on his government to implement the "announced measures" to prevent and reunite with their parents the children which were withdrawn from

The resolution was approved by consensus, after a negotiation with the United States that altered a paragraph that "pushed" the Trump government to "not resort to separation" from families "or The privation of The document was promoted by Mexico and co-sponsored by the countries of the Central North American Triangle Violent (El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala), from where most families separated since April 19 by the Trump Government after crossing the southern border without papers

The resolution "does not seek to condemn any country, let alone one with a dynamic democratic society that I have expressed deep internal disagreements (in the separation of families), "said Mexican Ambassador Jorge Lomónaco

. The conviction, he argued, is "a cruel and inhuman policy that violates the human rights of the most vulnerable, it is the right and the right thing both legally and morally."

The separation of more 2,300 children of their parents after their arrest after illegal entry into the country caused a wave of indignation inside and outside the United States that have forced President Trump to retreat on a policy to discourage the arrival of illegal immigration in his country.

Last week, he signed a decree to end the separations, which is why However, it is not the case to stop prosecuting the undocumented, something that the Trump government began to do in April, but to establish that the children are imprisoned with them.

The American justice has already said in the past that it's not possible beyond the prem first 20 days and Trump 's administration is now waiting, amid protests, for a court to allow it.

More than two thousand children separated until the signing of the decree continue in c welcome to events distributed by 17 North American states. A judge in California on Tuesday ordered the government to meet with their parents within a maximum of 30 days.

The resolution adopted today "strongly expresses the rejection of any immigration policy that leads to the separation of families". The document also calls for a visit to the border of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), an independent and independent body of the OAS that monitors respect for human rights. on the mainland

The intention is that this visit can be used, among other things, for the adoption of precautionary measures by the IACHR for immigrant families at the border. At the present time, none of these urgent protective measures has been approved by the Commission because of the imminent risk of irreparable loss, but it has received at least two requests to this effect.

For the moment, she asked for information The United States, before deciding on the possible adoption of precautionary measures, according to sources of the IACHR itself.

The resolution also calls for the follow-up of the issue of separation of families in the OAS permanent council. On Thursday, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray asked that the UN also stay there, at a meeting held in New York with the secretary general of the organization, Guterres António. b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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