They place a video camera on a stray dog ​​and find out – The Chihuahua News – Entreline


The abandonment of animals has become a social, political and health problem in various parts of the world.

The phenomenon of the stray dog ​​suffers everywhere in the world.

Every day, hundreds of dogs and cats are thrown into the streets or left to fend for themselves in forests, garbage dumps, alleys and, at best, anti-rabies centers.

According to figures from the World Health Organization In Brazil alone, more than 30 million abandoned animals living on the street suffer from all kinds of abuse and mistreatment, as well as spread of diseases.

Large cities are the places where this abandonment is most observed, since different types of housing units and living spaces force humans to get rid of companions that were acquired during the holidays as a gift or as a simple fashion.

That's why the organization World For All has launched an initiative that seeks to educate people not to give up dogs and cats, showing them the cruel reality of the street. And finish with the theme of the stray dog.

The project involved placing a video camera on an abandoned dog in the city of Mumbai, India, taking into account all the risks and types of violence they face each day during the day. They seek to survive

Culverts and puddles are their source of food, at the same time as they receive insults, kicks and stones from the villagers who drive them out of their stores and from Their houses.


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