Men with migraine have more female hormones


Although it is known that estrogen plays a role in the migraine in women, new research shows that the sex hormone may also play a role in migraine in men according to a small study published this Wednesday by "Neurology", the journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

migraine is a disabling neurological disorder, marked by frequent attacks of severe headache . During the fertile years, women were three times more likely to suffer migraine than men .

"Previous research has shown that levels of estrogen may influence when women suffer from migraines and how severe they are, but little is known about whether sex hormones also affect migraine in men says the study's author, WPJ van Oosterhout, of the Medical Center of University of Leiden, The Netherlands.

"Our research revealed elevated levels of estrogen in men with migraine, as well as symptoms of lower testosterone levels," van Oosterhout said.

The study involved 17 men with an average age of 47 years who had a migraine on average three times a month, and they were compared to 22 men without migraine . All participants were in good health. The researchers measured the levels of estradiol, estrogen and testosterone in the blood.

The authors found that men with migraine had higher levels of estrogen between migraines 97 picomoles per liter ( pmol / L), compared to 69 pmol / L in men without migraine

In addition, participants were asked about symptoms indicating that they might have a testosterone deficiency, and the researchers found that men with migraine had a higher frequency of these tests. symptoms and they were more serious. A total of 61 percent of men with migraine reported having these symptoms, compared to 27 percent of men without migraine.

"More studies are needed in large populations to validate our results," says Van Oosterhout. The exact role of estrogen in men with migraine, and whether their fluctuations may be associated with migraine, should be fully investigated. "



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