Pemex to analyze third quarter debt problems


During the third quarter of the year, Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) will analyze the possibility of making editions allowing to strengthen the financial position of the company seeking a careful balance of risks and costs, informed the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

In the remainder of the year, the oil company 's internal financing program will retain its flexibility to adapt to current financial market conditions. , appetite from investors and liquidity, reported.

The possible questions will be made in such formats as variable rate, nominal fixed rate and real fixed rate, under the communicating vessel mechanism he explained.

He indicated that the respective amounts and dates will be announced in the corresponding public offer notices.

He said that Pemex will carry out these issues with the institutions In addition, he informed that, in order to broaden and diversify the investor base, Pemex papers denominated in local currency may be offered and liquidated through platforms. He recalls that the program of financing of the public company of production for 2018 is in conformity with that authorized by the Congress of the Union and its Board of directors, which allows an internal net debt up to 39, up to 30 billion pesos

The program, in addition to issuing bonds on the debt markets, provides for the conclusion of syndicated credit agreements and revolving lines of credit. In the third quarter, the SHCP stated that before the tools granted by the energy reform, the oil company will analyze the possibility of using sources of financing different from traditional sources, trying to reduce the cost of financing and to seek to diversify the investor base.


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