The INE calls to "wait patiently" for the official results of the election; calls for an alliance "against the lie"


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- The President of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Lorenzo Cordova Vianello, called on citizens, as well as the media, to "wait patiently" for the publication of the official results of the election of July 1st.

This call, he said, also addresses political actors, to be at the level of citizenship and "the historical challenge that these elections entail". [19659003] He pointed out: The INE will be "the only public body that will directly know the information boxes feeding the quick accounts exercises" on the night of July 1.

Córdova Vianello assured that "less than 48 hours of the day our history, the INE seeks to generate a demanding context for the seriousness and responsibility prevail in this period of reflection during the election day, and including Close the boxes, until information begins to circulate regarding the demographic studies accredited by the electoral authority. "

At a press conference on election surveys, in the Macro Room of the Institute, he warned Sunday The closure of the boxes until the issue of the results of the rapid counts made by the INE, will be a particularly delicate moment so, in these hours, it must deprive the responsibility and the seriousness.

These will be "probably the most delicate of the election day, those who mediate between the closing of the boxes and the issuance of quick counts which, as has been recognized by the union, constitute a point of reference for the scientific precision and the information-gathering capacity that they have these exercises by the National Electoral Institute. "

Not doing so, he added, means "play against democracy", as well as a transgression of the election rules "that the INE will not tolerate."

Anyone who lacks this historic responsibility – he warned – "will lack respect for citizenship.These are moments of great responsibility in which we must wait patiently, seriously and responsibly, for official announcements." [19659002] To this end, the Presidential Adviser expressed the need to form an alliance "against the lie and those who pretend to attempt against the Mexican democracy."

He specifies that the night of July 1 corresponds to him, as president of the General Council of INE, to make public the results of the rapid counting of the presidential election, and the Local Public Electoral Organizations (OPLE) released the correspondent to eight governors and the head of government of Mexico City.

In his participation, the INE Executive Secretary, Edmundo Jacobo Molina, emphasized that surveys and their results have a great role, in terms of generating public discussions and informing about possible trends in elections.

He pointed out that the investigations, he added, must adhere to a code of ethics to inform, "by virtue of the importance that polls and their results the executive secretary of the 39 INE pointed out that this exercise requires a great deal of methodological rigor and a great ethic, which distinguishes them from those "disguised as investigations", campaign extensions or political marketing. "

Jacobo Molina reported that Here on July 1, there will be 111 companies conducting exit surveys and quick counts, and will not be able to release their federal election results before eight o'clock. at night, and in the case of local trends at six o'clock in the afternoon. "Anyone who does not comply with these requirements will be guilty of an electoral crime," he said.

Meanwhile, the President of the Mexican Association for Research and Public Opinion (AMAI), Oscar Balcázar, and Marcelo Ortega, The College of Specialists in Demography and Investigations (CEDE) expressed his commitment to existing federal, state and municipal laws and regulatory frameworks to respect election time.

In addition, they asked the media to collaborate. the message against "the publication of opinion polls", so that citizens can not be surprised by false information.

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