Canada Announces Rates on US Products


Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said the tariffs will come into effect on July 1, as planned, and that they will remain active "until the United States eliminates its tariffs. restrictive trade agreements against Canada ".

 ] Canada Announces Rates on US Products | The Chronicle of Today

Canada reacted Friday to US steel and aluminum tariffs promising to impose punitive measures for more than 16,600 million Canadian dollars (12,630 million US dollars).

He also unveiled C $ 2 billion in assistance to affected industries and workers.

Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said the tariffs will come into effect on July 1, as planned, and will remain active "until the United States eliminates its tariffs." restrictive trade agreements against Canada ".

The Canadian Liberal government said last month that it would retaliate after US President Donald Trump acted against imports of steel and aluminum citing security concerns.

Freeland says that Ottawa regrets having to do so, while emphasizing the proximity of the general relations between Canada and the United States.

"We will not continue the climb, but we will not back down," Freeland said at a televised news conference at the Stelco Holdings Inc. plant in Hamilton, Ont.

Freeland says that Ottawa regrets having to do so, while emphasizing the proximity of the general relations between Canada and the United States.

The assistance program consists mainly of commercial financing and guarantees of up to C $ 1,700 million for companies in the steel and aluminum sectors. as well as in related industries.


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