They find corpses of migrant babies after sinking


TRIPOLI, Nigeria.- This was an announced tragedy. For days, hundreds of migrants try to cross the Mediterranean to Europe in boats that no European country wants to receive. This boat with 200 people on board sank off the Libyan coast .

The body of three babies were found and a hundred people are missing after the sinking Friday, a boat of migrants off the coast of Libya, reports survivors and coastguards , AFP reports

48 migrants die in a wreck in front of Tunisia

120 migrants were moving aboard the dinghy when he was shipwrecked six kilometers from the Libyan coast, said several survivors to AFP in the region of Al-Hmidiya, 25 kilometers east of the capital, Tripoli. Sixteen people were saved.

For a year, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said that nearly 4,000 migrants had died in the Mediterranean, these numbers are from 2016. So far this year, the project Missing Migrants of the IOM (MMP) recorded 942 deaths and disappearances of migrants

Doubts about the agreement

Meanwhile, doubts grow over the migratory agreement of The Union The European Union for the Voluntary Creation of "Controlled" Centers for Refugees and Immigrants has been cautiously welcomed by NGOs, UN agencies and some political parties , while no member state has agreed to host them for the moment. and most say that they should be in the countries of arrival.

According to NGOs and certain political groups, the agreement reached this morning does not solve the problem of migration and in practice the right to asylum on Community soil

L & # 39; NGO Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) criticized the European agreement on migrants accusing countries of having accepted a "blockade at the gates of Europe ". "The only elements on which European states seem to agree are, on the one hand, the blockade of people at the gates of Europe, irrespective of their vulnerability and the the horrors of those who flee, and on the other hand, the demonization of non-governmental search and rescue operations, "AFP Karline Kleijer, emergency officer for MSF, told AFP.

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