They prevent from playing with the tablets of the princes of England


UNITED KINGDOM.- One might well believe that being part of royalty is a life full of freedom to do what you want and, in the case of smaller members of this type of family, a very spoiled childhood.

According to, however, in the case of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom, Dukes William and Kate seek to educate their children, Charlotte and George, in the best way and that includes the limitation of some of his options entertainment that could be harmful for his young age.

You may be interested: Prince William visits Jordan, hometown of his wife ]

And, according to a source close to Kate, although many children in the world, even months after the birth of their parents, allow them to play with tablets and ipads, the heirs of the English crown have strictly prohibited these devices. to his children

"Like two people who grew up without technology for entertainment, William and Kate are faithful believers in toys, outdoor games and encourage active imagination," said the source.

The hometown of his wife

Prince William, second in line to the British crown, today visited the Roman ruins of the city of Jerash about 40 kilometers to the north of Amman, The Duke of Cambridge was accompanied by Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan his guest during the visit, since his father, King Abdullah II, is

William and Husein have were received at Jerash by Jordanian and Syrian children who made a cultural presentation of folklore .

Jordan currently houses 1.3 million Syrians. Of the estimated 650,000 refugees who left their country since 2011 to flee the war and repression of the government of President Bashar al-Assad, Magacin reported:

Paras Hola magazine, since the announcement of the visit of Prince William. in Jordan, the importance of having been the home of his wife, the Duchess from 1945 to 1945 [] – as a child Kate Middleton .

The day has arrived and the Duke of Cambridge has visited the Roman ruins of Jerash, the same place where a tiny Kate posed with her father and sister Pippa. Clearly excited, William did not miss the opportunity to pose with the same background storyline, probably to be able to show it to his wife.

This was a good detail of the hosts, as the site was placed an amplification of the photo that the family shared in 2011 for the wedding of William and Kate. Jokingly, arriving at the place of pose, William said, "I have to come back with the family to take this picture". And since he was in a good mood, even his stepfather Michael Middleton made the joke: "Michael looks very elegant in his flip-flops."

The Director of Museums of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Samia Khouri tells the picture they prepared for William: "He was very surprised when he saw the picture, he did not did not expect that. But that's the reason he came, because he wanted to take a picture at the same place where Kate was photographed . "

The Middletons moved to Jordan when Kate was only two years old, which, according to Prince William, was unforgettable." She loved it here, she really did it. It is very sad that he came without her "he said of his visit to the Middle East while his wife is on maternity leave. In a surprise, William learned from the director general of Save the Children, Rania Malki that the pediatrician of her children lives in Kate's house: "I can not believe it! You will be very excited. "

During his speech at the place he visited with Prince Hussein he said:" My wife Catherine is really sorry for not being here with me so soon after The birth of our son Louis, but his family fondly remembers the almost three years that she spent here as a child when her father worked for British Airways in Amman. The experience of Catherine is not unique, the exchange between our two countries is real and profound: work, studies, tourism and family ties. Our historical ties and friendship are reflected in the lives of thousands who see our two nations as their homeland. "

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