Kim Jong-un makes another wink to Beijing visiting a border region with China – Digital Diary Our Country


Kim Jong Un, dressed in civilian clothes, inspected the 1524 unit of the Korean People's Army. KCNA

Seoul, June 30 (EFE) .- North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited a border region with China, according to Pyongyang media, which is interpreted as a gesture aimed at strengthening the Economic Cooperation with Beijing

The leader made one of his famous field visits to a sugar farm in Sindo County, in the northeastern province of Pyongan, bordering the Chinese province of Liaoning. The state-run KCNA news agency reported today

This is an area rarely visited by the regime's leaders, which is also home to the island of Hwangkumpyong, the # 39; epicenter of a joint economic project between the two countries that was frozen after the execution in 2013 of the North Korean leader's political uncle, Jang Song-thaek, a very close character of Peking

This island located on the Yalu River, flowing between the two countries, was to house a special economic zone destined for merchandise trade

Kim Jong Un in Sindo District of North Phyong Province year. KCNA

Among those who accompanied Kim during his visit to Sindo, Kim Song-nam, the first deputy director of the International Department of Workers' Party, was considered as the person responsible for relations with China in training.

As a result, the visit appears to imply Kim Jong-un's new nod to Chinese President Xi Jimping, with whom he has met three times this year, highlighting a significant improvement in ties after five years. After escalating tension last year in the face of Pyongyang's ongoing testing, Beijing – its main trading partner – has implemented UN sanctions on the North Korean regime, although He asked to start lifting them. After the diplomatic turn that Kim Jong-un bet.

Since the beginning of the year, the young North Korean leader has met twice with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and another. To the President of the United States, Donald Trump, with whom he has signed declarations pledging to work for the "total denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula. Window EFE

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