Maduro resorts to torture to incriminate the opposition


María Corina Machado, yesterday, at a press conference.

L Venezuelan opponent Maria Corina Machado claimed that she knew that she could be detained by the Chavez regime, after President Nicolás Maduro accused her of Planning his homicide with the Colombian government.

The press denied the accusations that it intended to overthrow the president and denounced the use of torture to implicate opponents in the so-called "destabilization plan", as in the case of A soldier forced to point his accomplices.

He warned that "the real conspiracy" is Maduro's to destroy the Venezuelan people in the face of the crisis in the country. "It is a genocide and now it comes to him to come crying with denunciations of murder, tied with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez."

He also said that 39, he received threats and was harassed with possible arrest for several months.

The founder of Vente Venezuela said that the government is resorting to torture and arrests to prove the possible culprits of the "destabilization plan", as has been the case for several soldiers. And he claimed that despite the charges against him, he did not intend to leave the country, so he called on the people to continue to fight and stay.

According to documents obtained by the newspaper Nuevo Herald the prosecution alleges that María Corina is accused of having participated in and financed the so-called "Operation Armagedón", a conspiracy aimed to overthrow the Maduroy government which also intended to sabotage the elections in which she was re-elected.

Machado added with local media, several soldiers have been apprehended in recent weeks by the alleged charges, which also involve civilians, and reiterated that there is no evidence of the alleged conspiracy, because so far only talk about the existence of alleged

In front of multiple charges, he warned that with government measures "each of us can be detained.It is a dictatorship. "

Similarly, María Corina asserted that she would not participate in a plan so that she does not want the death of Nicolás Maduro, since She expects that he will continue to live and face justice

. I want it out of Miraflores (presidential palace), but I want it alive so that it faces the justice that it has denied to Venezuelans. "

The opposition reminded that it was not the first time that she implied it made of this magnitude, because in 2014, it was was also blamed by the government for taking part in the conspiracy to kill the president, just the first year of Maduro's administration after the death of Chávez.

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