Nuria Diosdado and Karem Achach join the FINA World Series


The Mexican sirens Nuria Diosdado and Karem Achach were crowned during the last season of the FINA World Swimming Series, which takes place in this capital city of Uzbekistan.

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Murals of the faces of Messi and Ronaldo adorn Kazan

The Olympic finalists at Rio 2016 added 83.8356 points to keep the gold, while the silver went to the Kazakh pair of Jennifer Russanova and Yana Degtyareva with 76.4281 and bronze for the German pair of Marlene Bojer and Yana Degtyareva with 76.3017

At the end of the competition, artistic swimmers defined the gold as a important achievement, since They have shown good prospects for the Games of Central America and the Caribbean Barranquilla 2018, where they go for supremacy and repeat a performance as at Veracruz 2014.

"We have given everything and we are happy to win, "said Nuria Diosdado. He added that it was not easy "because we had to adapt to the new facilities, which are also excellent, and to the jet lag, it took us 24 hours to get here." comparing with our gold in the Syros Islands, we managed to improve by simple fractions. "

This Saturday will continue the performance of Mexico in the test of only technician with Joana Jiménez


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