They close the open drain in the ring


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The telephone register opened on the side of Periferico-Bulevar Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, a few meters from the hospital Pemex, towards the south of the city, and where yesterday a dead motorcyclist was already sealed.

People working in the area said that around 11 pm on Thursday, a few hours after the incident, the job was to seal the phone file by more than one meter deep.

They said that it had been more than six months in this state, which they said posed a danger to motorists crossing the area.

In this section on the Periferico side there are other anomalies such as strains that are not at the sidewalk, which forces those who drive there to drive cautiously.

"Those who pass here now know the side, so they reduce their speed or avoid bumps; However, those who do not know can suffer damage to their cars or be injured, like yesterday's biker [jueves]"said a passer-by who takes the bus a few feet from where the accident it was produced.

sue the company responsible for maintaining the telephone recording, since they consider it was an act of negligence because as a result, the authorities opened an investigation for the homicide crime for other reasons.

Iztapalapa Due to heavy rains in recent days, a minor was dragged by a current of Water in an open drain where he was struck and drowned.

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