Drug against excessive sweating


With a tissue, a drug is rubbed against the skin

Sweating is something natural and very necessary. The main function of the sweating process is to regulate body temperature, which is why it is activated when for some reason we revolutionize our body.

US regulators approved Friday the first drug specifically designed to reduce excessive sweating. common that can cause anxiety and affect the social life of the person regardless of sex.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the drug Qbrexza against excessive sweating in the armpits, which will be released for sale in October, according to the AP agency.

The drug is in a tissue that is rubbed daily on the skin to block the activation of the sweat glands.

The manufacturer, Dermira Inc. refused to disclose the price, as these companies normally do.

It is estimated that 15.3 million Americans suffer from excessive sweating. Shiva, but only one in four are those who require treatment.

Current treatments include Botox injections, elimination of sweat glands, lasers and other artifacts and drugs approved for other disorders.

Side effects of Qbrexza include blurred vision, constipation, burning or itching of the skin, headache or throat, and dryness of the mouth, eyes, and skin.

One study reported that 53% of patients claimed that Qbrexza halved their sweating. , while in the comparison group, supplied with tissues without drugs, it reduced by 28% of cases.

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