They wanted to do drug trafficking but the plane was found in the jungle


Lima, (EFE) .- The Peruvian police seized a "narco-plane" from the Bolivian flag which was loaded with 300 kilos of drugs in a clandestine landing strip built in full amazonica jungle, informed the Office of the Prosecutor.

The aircraft confiscated. Photo: Peru National Police (PNP)

Drug traffickers left the aircraft abandoned after apparently maintained a confrontation with anti-drug agents on the landing strip, located on the banks of the river. a river, near the indigenous community of Shipetiari, in the southern region of Madre de Dios, on the border of Bolivia and Brazil.

Mobile devices found in the Bolivian light aircraft. Photo: Peru National Police (PNP)

The agents found scattered next to the plane nine drug bags whose weight was 300 kilos, in addition to a pistol, a satellite phone, four radios, nine cartridges and a boat with three mobile phones, apparently used to move the drug to the illegal landing track.

The drug seized. Photo: Peru National Police (PNP)

Andahuaylas's anti-drug prosecutor, Jorge Camargo, who was in charge of the intervention carried out this Friday, ordered the destruction of the plane, the boat and the way.

Photo: National Police of Peru (PNP)
According to the Peruvian authorities, the airlift used by traffickers to transport cocaine into Bolivia from the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro River Valley (VRAEM), the largest coca zone in the country, has since been considerably reduced. 2016 the interception of "narcoavionetas" was restored

In this note:

  • Narcoavioneta seized
  • Drug
  • Selva
  • Plane

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