A company called Axiom Space offers the rich something new to covet: the possibility of an eight-day vacation in the space.
Axiom is building a commercial space station that would be a combination of a boutique hotel, a space camp for adults and NASA-level research facilities 400 kilometers above the ground. Earth. The French designer Philippe Starck was hired to equip the interior of the cabins of the station.
Starck was lining the walls with a cream-colored quilted fabric similar to suede and hundreds of tiny LED lights that shone in different tones as a function of time. where the space station floats in relation to the Earth.
"My vision is to create a comfortable and friendly egg, where the walls are soft and in harmony with the movements of the human body in weightlessness," Starck wrote. an email, calling its desired effect as "a first approach to the infinite."
Mike Suffredini – a NASA veteran who led the International Space Station and is Executive Director of Axiom Space – said his project outperforms the ships Virgin Galactic Spaceship by Richard Branson and the Spaceflight Company Blue Origin supervised by Jeff Bezos.
"Those who make Blue Origin and Virg in Galactic go to the edge of space – they are not in orbit," he said. "What they do is a great experience, it gives you about 15 minutes of microgravity and you see the curvature of the Earth, but it is not the same experience as seeing the Earth. at the top and spend time thinking and contemplating. "
posting on Instagram. "There will be Wi-Fi," said Suffredini
. The station designed by Starck will probably open in 2022. It will accommodate eight passengers, including a professional astronaut. Each would pay $ 55 million, which would include 15 weeks of training and possibly a trip on one of Elon Musk's SpaceX rockets. To date, three entities have registered for ground school training, which costs a million dollars, said Suffredini. The inaugural trip will be only $ 50 million. He said, "It's a bargain!"
Aurora Station, a luxury hotel built by Orion Span, another Houston-based aerospace company, has announced that it will charge $ 9.5 million dollars per passenger for a trip. 12 days, but did not mention the cost of the rocket round trip.
Limitations, in addition to the cost? You must be 21 or older – there is no age limit – and have a medical exam before starting workout, as well as spirit and temperament tests. .
Axiom guests should wear a spacesuit for the return trip to the station. Axiom is in talks with a European fashion house about custom design of leisure suits that travelers can use once they arrive.
The Axiom station would have handles that, thanks to Starck, would be gilded or wrapped in leather. Ultra-soft Private booths would have screens for entertainment and there would be a large glass dome to meet the travelers and enjoy a more panoramic view of the Earth, perhaps with a drink for adults.
said Michael Baine, chief engineer of Axiom. "Beer and soft drinks do not, you do not have the gravity to separate the carbon dioxide in your stomach, so it causes a lot of swelling."
It is recommended to pack the deodorant. "There is a hygienic compartment where you can give some sort of bath to the sponge," said Suffredini
Axiom has raised more than $ 10 million of funds up to now.
Suffredini considers Axiom a necessary step to continue scientific research and development in space. His company can serve as rich seekers of emotions, but he insists that he is an idealist.
"If you come to visit and come back, you are not a pioneer," he said. "You must be a pioneer."
Pioneers include researchers in the physical sciences and biologists who are trying to understand how the human body adapts to the outside of the earth's atmosphere. Also, maybe, Tupperware.
"They are interested in working with us by testing different types of containers, seeing how they can be cooked in a clean way, but with this idea, this great idea is to do the dishes." We'll soon add a butler to each team ", explains Suffredini
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