Cordero accuses PAN expulsion of Anaya's defeat at the polls


CITY OF MEXICO ( .- Ernesto Cordero, President of the Senate, said that his "arbitrary" expulsion from the National Action Party (PAN) is due to the defeat that the candidate Ricardo Anaya will suffer tomorrow, while Felipe Calderón criticized the "lack of political tact" for this decision, when the unit should be called "to try to capture as many votes as possible."

The sudden expulsion of Cordero and also Senator Jorge Luis Lavalle, As the former deputy Eufrosina Cruz, she shook PAN at a few hours of the federal election and because the three are part of the group from Calderón, who was a sharp critic of Anaya before the resignation of his wife, Margarita Zavala.

The three expelled, who can still appeal to the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF) to overturn the decision of the PAN Order Commission, reacted immediately with their responses. Twitter Accounts of Ectivas

Lamb wrote:

In turn, Eufrosina Cruz, a former MP from Oaxaca who has announced, as a lamb, that the PRI candidate, José Antonio Meade, will vote for, he remembers his fight for the rights of indigenous women.

In turn, Senator Lavalle also rejected his expulsion, as anticipated PAN president, Damián Zepeda, after Cordero criminally denounced Anaya for money laundering and trafficking in influence.

Calderón, who continues to be a member of the PAN, wrote: "Admirable the lack of". a sense of opportunity and political tact, Just the day they had to show signs of unity and conciliation (even though it was externally outward) to try to capture as many voices as much as possible … "

For his part, Senator Roberto Gil Zuarth reacted with a brief comment, also on Twitter, to the decision taken by the PAN Order Commission:" Priorities on the eve of elections. Whatever it is. "

Then, in response to a comment from Sixto Zetina, PAN MP, Gil Zuarth added:" It's sure to motivate our box reps. "

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