Gallardo will play against his idol


The tricolor accepts his admiration for the Brazilian Neymar

Jesús Gallardo was one of the revelations of the Mexican national team in the World Cup, showing great safety as a back-to-back in this which is his first appearance in the maximum just

Now, the Pumas team will have a very special challenge when the Tri meets Brazil, because it will face the Neymar star, that 's the first time. he considers his idol.

"He is my idol, but now, in the field, I will first see the national team and we will try to beat him at all costs," he said.

"I'm motivated by his videos.Now, I'm watching your videos on YouTube.In the days leading up to the games, I see it, it's a great source of inspiration for me, "revealed the defender in an interview with the newspaper" Récord ".

"And now it's weird, I told my teammates against them:" Now that I see is Messi because I can not see him and then go play against him ", was he says with a laugh

Gallardo, 23, could have his parents close to him.The globalist adventure and his mother Maribel know that it was his son's dream since childhood

"I saw him on TV and he said," Look at mom, I want to be like him and I know what I can do. " selected tricolor. "It's a pride for me, since I'm a kid I've made that dream and now it's a pride."

At the party headquarters

Without fans to cheer on their arrival, as in the past, Mexico arrived yesterday afternoon at his hotel in Samara, home of his eighth finals.

El Tri was received by dozens of fans upon his arrival in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don for his match against South Korea The delegation arrived at the Renaissance Hotel, headed by the President of the Mexican Federation, Decio de María, and by its general secretary, Guillermo Cantú.

Neither the directors nor the coaches made any statements about them.

Mexico will recognize the Cosmos Arena today at night in its near preparation to face Brazil. The men led by Colombian Juan Carlos Osorio should train after seven-thirty local, after the press conference of the Mexican coach and one of the players of the "Tri".

Brazil, on the other hand, should be exercised on the ground a few hours ago – AP

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