In these elections, there is no room for fraud: INE


The presidential adviser of the National Electoral Institute (INE) Lorenzo Cordova, assured this Sunday that there was no room for fraud

"In Mexico there is no room for fraud, the votes are they issue with freedom," assured at the extraordinary session of the General Council of the institution.

Córdova Vianello asserted that the votes will be counted by a million randomly selected citizens, who explained that they are qualified for this and will guarantee the respect of the vote.

Accompanied by electoral advisers, Córdova also ensured that these are the most pluralistic, inclusive and fair elections in history.

"When we vote, we are all equal," he said.

The presidential adviser said that the institute will ensure that democracy reaches all citizens and asked political actors to take up the democratic challenge.

"INE sets the table for the cause of democracy to circulate throughout the country, but political actors, candidates, candidates and organizations in society have to take up this democratic challenge," he said. he explained [ad_2]
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