Iran takes steps to avoid US sanctions on its oil


Tehran.- The Iranian government today unveiled its plan to maintain its oil exports, vital to the country 's economy, despite US sanctions, and warned the government of Iran. Saudi Arabia not to try to take the place of Iran the world market.

US sanctions come into effect next November and Washington has already threatened to punish all companies that, from that date, will continue to do business with Iran without doing any exception, said Efe.

In this situation, the first Iranian Vice President, Eshaq Yahanguiri, announced today that his country will offer his oil to the National Stock Exchange, where – he said – "the sector Private will be able to buy it seamlessly and then export it. "

" The United States has focused on Iranian oil and does not want to sell it, "said Yahanguiri, adding that the measure is" a psychological war "and" impossible "to apply.

The Vice President explained that Iran had already started negotiations with "friendly countries" like China and India, major buyers, to continue selling its oil, whose daily exports reached $ 2.8 million a barrel of crude oil and condensate.

Trump goes to Saudi Arabia

"In this oil battle, any country that wants to take the Iran's place in the oil market will be guilty of high treason against the Iranian nation "added Yahanguirí, referring to Saudi Arabia.

The United States is working to ensure that sanctions against Iran do not affect world oil production and, in this way, US President Donald Trump on Saturday asked Saudi Arabia an increase of two million barrels a day to contain oil prices.

Saudi King Salman bin Abdelaziz confirmed that he had pledged to increase his production at the request of Trump in order to compensate for "any potential shortfall in supply", although Iran considers that it does not have the ability to apply this measure.

In this regard, the Iranian Minister of Petroleum, Biyan Zangané, today asked members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), including Saudi Arabia, to " refrain from taking unilateral action "and accept US requests.

"Any increase in the production of a member country beyond the commitments stipulated in the OPEC decisions would constitute a violation of the agreement," said Zangané in a letter .

Rising prices since 2014

The OPEC and its allies decided on June 22 to increase their crude output, but only a million barrels per day (mbj), to contain prices that are at their highest level since 2014.

Prices have risen in the face of uncertainty over Iranian oil after the United States withdrawn from the Iranian nuclear agreement in May 2015 and reimposed sanctions against Tehran.

However, the other signatories – Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France and Germany – are still holding consultations to save the nuclear pact, the future of which depends largely on the guarantee of the sale of Iranian oil .

Therefore, Iran has formed a joint committee of members of the government and parliament to review buyers of Iranian crude oil and set up mechanisms to collect oil revenue under sanctions.

Total, who signed an agreement a year ago to develop an Iranian deposit, has already announced that if he failed to obtain an American exemption, he would have to cease operations in Iran.

An Iranian Oil Ministry official acknowledged this week that European companies such as Shell and Total had stopped buying Iranian oil, but – he said – Iran was exporting again to Europe, Asia and other parts of the world. .

Although the concern is great, the Persian authorities are trying to minimize the effect of the sanctions because, as stated yesterday the Iranian Minister of Labor Ali Rabie, the world " can not do without Iranian oil ".

Rabie asserted that at other times penalties oil sales have not been stopped, although they have been reduced to less than 1 million barrels a day, and he assured that this time they will succeed Exports

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