An armed group kidnaps a Morena representative in Guerrero


Chilpancingo, Gro.- Private Armed Men General Representative of Morena in the Municipality of of Ajuchitlán del Progreso in Tierra del Fuego.

] The representative of Morena in front of the Electoral Institute and Citizen Participation (IEPC), Sergio Montes Carrillo denounced this morning in the community of San Cristóbal, men armed abducted from his home to his representative, Sara Castro Chamú

Montes Carrillo explained that the attack occurred around 09:30, by three armed men

The representative reported that Castro Chamú had received threats since last Friday by members of the armed group. PRI candidate team to the mayor of Ajuchitlán del Progreso, Víctor Hugo Vega to inhibit his participation.

The head of Morena said that the last time that he was seen was in the zócal or when she came to check the installation of the boxes and when she returned home, the gunmen l & rsquo; Took her away and took her away.


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