Vicente Fox votes in Guanajuato; Mexico is big and should be better said



The former president Vicente Fox Quesada went to vote after noon in a box located in the municipality of San Francisco del Rincón Guanajuato accompanied by his wife, Marta Sahagún

On his Twitter account @VicenteFoxQue, who ran this country from 1 December 2000 to 30 November 2006, he posted pictures showing his finger. was marked after having voted, as well as the moment when he deposited the ballots in the respective ballot boxes.

"It's time to vote, to choose the country we want, we are convinced that Mexico is great and should be better," wrote the former president in the social network

He called for no one to stay at home: "Vote for you , for your family and for Mexico because the future is NOW, "writes the former president of the Mexican government after stating that only citizens can change the country

hch [19659004]


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