Sharing photos of your thumb can compromise your safety


Technology has made things easier today, but it can also work against us. Posting an image of your fingerprint can cause you to be a victim of cyber-fraud, say various experts, such as Andrés Velázquez, founder of the firm Mattica and expert in computer security, who invited Twitter not to download photos of his finger

pointed out that with current technology, such as the biometric verification system (facial recognition and identification by voice or fingerprints), it is possible to extract the fingerprint and fingerprint. Used by hackers to commit a crime, cyber-fraud or access. Isao Echizen, a researcher at Japan's National Institute of Computing, said that by placing his thumb in front of the camera and sharing it, identity theft is possible.

In 2014, hacker Jan Krissler, known as Starbug, used commercial software and various images, including one in a statement, of the German Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen to demonstrate that photos a clear image of the trace could be obtained.

Many citizens shared this type of images in social networks, as a sample of which to cast the vote is a way to change the course of the same Yeidckol Polevnsky, national president of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) , asked supporters to share an image in social networks, this in order to have a quick account.

Also, various businessmen like Juan Pablo Castañon, José Medina Mora, Vice President of the Employers' Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), shared the image of his thumb on social networks

which puts citizens at risk, and although we think that it is not "so important that to be part of a hack", the certain fact is that whenever there is more interest in personal data, this is the case of leaking information on Facebook with Cambridge Analytica.


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