A man stabs nine people at a children's refugee party in the United States


New York.- A man was accused of attacking nine people with a dagger, including six minors, at a children's party in a residential complex for r epanchised in Boise City in the state of Idaho in the United States, reported Sunday the local police.

The suspect, Timmy Kinner, 30, perpetrated the attack Saturday night by breaking into the birthday party of a three-year-old boy after which He was stopped. and charged with 15 criminal charges, according to Boise police.

Four victims have life-threatening injuries, according to authorities, who said six of the victims were between the ages of three and twelve.

The attack was perpetrated in a housing unit housing refugees from in Syria, Iraq, and Ethiopia.

Police explained that Kinner, who is not a refugee but a US citizen from Los Angeles, assaulted after being informed Friday that he was due to leave the department that he occupied in the residential complex

The authorities have not yet determined the motive for the aggression although they pointed out that they were investigating whether the fact that the inhabitants of this housing unit were refugees played a role in the attack.

"Our community is recovering from this attack.This is not a symbol or representation of our Boise community.It was an evil person who attacked people without provocation," said William Bones. , chief of the Boise police, at a press conference.

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