IFT approves Telmex status of new companies


Teléfonos de México (Telmex) has the green light to initiate the conformation of the two companies that will result from the functional separation, to which he is obliged to be a leading economic agent, after the Federal Institute Telecommunications (IFT) has authorized the constitutive social status.

The constitutive social statutes are the operating plan of these companies, their elements of corporate governance, the decisions that the Assembly, the Board, the executives will take, that is, say the operations framework of the new entities.

The plenary of the Institute approved the constitutional regulations of wholesale companies that will emerge from the process ordered on February 27, 2018 in Telmex and Telnor's Final Functional Separation Plan. Last week, El Economista announced that Telmex had complied with the first tranche, corresponding to the statutes, which represents a very important element for the governance and alignment of incentives. In addition, the unionized staff must have been fully transferred for the first quarter of 2019, although there is no deadline for submitting the staff migration plan.

According to the schedule of steps of the plan, it was established that the predominant economic agent in the telecommunications sector (EFA), it had to submit, for authorization of the FTI, its proposal of social status constituting UMT and UMNOR – the wholesale companies resulting from the separation process of Telmex and Telnor respectively – as well as the proposed articles of SUM, the UMNOR subcontracting company [19659002] The new companies will not provide service to the end user, but only to the operators; regulate its structure and the functioning of its decision-making, administrative and corporate governance bodies during the transition period.

According to the regulations approved by the plenary, Telmex has the possibility of appointing a single director or a temporary board of directors allows it to comply with the second stage of the calendar, corresponding to the constitution of UMT, UMNOR and SUM, and that will work up to December 31, 2018, the deadline for the formation of the UMT Independent Board of Directors and, in its case, that of UMNOR. The functional separation was ordered by the FTI following the biannual review of the effectiveness of the asymmetrical regulation imposed on the preponderant regulation. This review determined the relevance of functionally separating the company that owns the most extensive local network on the national territory

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