In Puebla, Martha Erika Alonso and Miguel Barbosa are proclaimed winners


PUEBLA, Pue. (appr) .- At the end of the polls, Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo, candidate for the governorship of the coalition Por Puebla al Frente, and her opponent in the history of Together We Will Do, Luis Miguel Barbosa Huerta, proclaimed winners Sunday

Alonso Hidalgo said that the results of three polls – Mendoza Blanco and Asociados, Parametría and Mercaei give him an advantage, although he acknowledged that the result "is closed."

"We bring data from three different pollsters, all they put us at Obviously, it's a closed election, but we have no doubt we'll be victorious," he said. -he declares.

Meanwhile, Barbosa said that the election was not closed and that his victory in the vote was 10 points in his favor.

The Moreno summoned the citizens not to withdraw and continue to defend the vote, the "morenovallismo" will try to commit a "huge" swindle in the transfer of the electoral packages.

"We won the first edition all day, the partial polls favored us, they were separated, seven points represented the minimum difference and, finally, they closed in ten points. investigations that gave us 11, other 14 and others up to 16 points. "

Accompanied by other candidates from Juntos Haremos Historia and Santiago Nieto Castillo, Counselor to Morena's electoral affairs, which was concentrated on Sunday Puebla-, Barbosa Huerta ensured that the shock groups that attacked the boxes were sent from four o'clock in the afternoon by the former Governor, Rafael Moreno Valle, when he realized that the vote was unfavorable to his wife

. Since then, Rafael Moreno Valle has behaved like a wounded beast who uses all the instruments of power to generate violence, but the participation of citizens has been extraordinary, "he said.

Barbosa Huerta assured that the Morenovallismo uses instruments for that it does not reveal the advantage that it has over Martha Erika Alonso, to have further possibilities to manipulate the results.

"For Rafael Moreno Valle, it is important that he does not know a difference so wide because he wants to commit a huge fraud in the calculations and in the transfer of the parcel to the municipal committees and the State, "he said.

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